Hey Everyone! I MISSED YOU!!! We left off last time where I said I was going to blog more regularly but then SHWAAMP…radio silence. So, what happened between then and now? Firstly, I accidentally locked myself out of this blog and JUST figured out how to get back in!! YAY! To make a long story short, I had the login address wrong and I’m really glad to be back and starting my regular blog journey.

Blog begins!

Tonight, I saw a friend post a heartfelt and brave political perspective on Instagram about how she felt not being political is a privilege, since there are people who currently need to fight for what she (and I) believe to be basic human rights. After seeing my friend’s post, I thought about posting my own perspective too. Then I thought about how people like being entertained on social media after a long day, so maybe I could try to infuse humor into my post by sharing a picture I took in May of the words “Trump likes Nickelback” scribbled in pencil on a wall (for information on Nickelback and how this is political, click this sentence), and then I thought about how grateful I am that in America I can speak out about the government and not have someone with a gun show up at my door. Then I thought about how for the first time in my life, I am scared that my right to speak my mind against the government may be restricted or taken away. Then I thought about how making a silly jab at the government using Nickelback was unhelpful during a national storm crisis, when energy needs to be going to helping people not drown. And then I thought about how silly jabs probably don’t help most people survive. And after all of this thinking, I decided to donate to the Red Cross and write a blog entry. 

I am also wanting to tell you about what I’m doing musically and how that ties into feeling like I’m (in my own way) supporting change I hope to see in the world, how my partner’s phone got thrown into a Porta Potty by a tweaky thief, and a conversation I had with a man at a beach, but the cat is mashing my face with his face and I must sign off for now!
